Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Girl After Her Mamma's Heart

Ainsley watches me intently as I streak colors across my eyelids.

"Mommy, can I wear some make up?" She pleads.
"Not today Ainsley.  Only grown ups can wear make up outside."

She is disappointed, but knows her urging "please" will not change my answer.  I let her play on the weekends, when we have no where to go and not much to do.  She loves to tickle her cheeks with the brushes and feel the cool silk of the sponge.

Manicures and pedicures are a weekly routine.  She chooses 2 or 3 or 4 colors to brighten her fingers and toes.  Then there are stickers that we use for even more decoration.

She plays dress up and carries purses and walks around in heels.  She is a girly girl to the core, and I have to say that I love it.  I truly believe that you feel better on the inside if you take the time to put yourself together on the outside.  And vice versa.  If you feel good on the inside, it radiates out. 

That's one reason I love the idea of Cafe Kids Spa.  A full service spa that caters to the needs of girls.  The owner developed the concept to empower the inner beauty of young ladies while promoting self esteem and providing them with outer beauty kid friendly spa enhancements.

Today's Juice in the City deal for the Washington DC area is $24 for a kids mani/pedi spa package.  Click here for details.

Ainsley and I may be making an appointment some day soon.

This is a sponsored post by Juice in the City.  Click the button below or on my sidebar to see deals in your area or subscribe to daily emails.

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