Okay, so a little background on this one. Ainsley's a bad sleeper...you know, right? If you've read my blog at all over the last 3.5 years, then you know this. She doesn't go to sleep without a fight, she can't put herself to sleep, and she doesn't sleep through the night.
One night, last week was particularly bad. I was at my wits end and could feel that I was getting ready to snap. I had been lying with her for over an hour and I had diapers to wash and a basement to clean and lunch to pack and it was going on 10 o'clock.
So I got up, told her to stay in bed and not to wake Freddie and I walked out of the room. She immediately started screaming and I decided I just needed to let it happen. So I went down stairs. I wasn't downstairs 5 minutes when I heard little feet and sniffling coming down the stairs.
Clif and I walked her back upstairs and we both sat in bed with her.
Clif: Ainsley, it's time for bed. You need to go to sleep.
Ainsley: I know, but I am not tired.
Me: If you don't go to sleep you'll be really tired tomorrow.
Ainsley: Can the puppies come in here?
Clif: Sometimes, does Brinkley get in bed with you?
Ainsley: Yes, he likes to come in my bed and then we can cuddle.
Clif: Does it wake you up when he gets in bed with you?
Ainsley: Yes.
Clif: Is that when you come into Mommy and Daddy's room?
Ainsley: Yes.
Clif: Well how about, instead of coming into Mommy and Daddy's room you cuddle with Brinkley and go back to sleep.
She thinks about this.
Ainsley: Well, I do sometimes go back to sleep. But sometimes I have to come in your room so I can tell you something and then I am going to come back to my room and cuddle with Brink Brink and go back to sleep.
Clif: So you don't want to sleep with us, you just have to tell us something.
Ainsley (giggles and sighs): Um, yes Daddy. I don't want to sleep with you sometimes. Sometimes I just want to tell you something and come back to my room because my room is so beautiful.
Clif: Okay, well from now on how about you just tell me something then come back to your bed.
She thinks again.
Ainsley: Um, well, I think that I don't want to sleep in my bed. I think that when I wake up I will just sleep in your bed.
That night, Clif went to bed and I sat at the foot of Ainsley's bed while she didn't go to sleep. I fell asleep propped up against her stuffed animals. When I woke up at 3AM, she was snuggled up next to me at the foot of the bed. I went to my own bed and 30 minutes later, she's opening the door and climbing in between us. And so begins our nightly dance...
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago