Monday, April 25, 2011

Was the Easter Bunny Good to You?

Even though Easter was late this year, it still kind of snuck up on me.  I was not at all prepared.  However, I was determined to color Easter eggs this year.  I hadn't done it since I was a kid and I figured Ainsley was old enough to enjoy it.

We had planned on doing them Wednesday or Thursday.  Wednesday something came up and Thursday...well, our dogs managed to escape so we spent a good part of the night searching for them.  No worries, everyone is home safe and sound.

So, Friday night...we colored Easter eggs.

But not just any Easter eggs.  Tinkerbell eggs!

Sunday morning was the big day!  Here are the baskets before the kids pretty, for such a short time.

Then the children arrived and the chaos ensued...

Ainsley also found all of the eggs that the sneaky bunny had hidden...

After the morning excitement and a much too short nap on Freddie's part, we met Nanny and Poppa for lunch, dressed in our Easter best.

Later in the day we went to a friend's house for another Easter egg hunt...which I did not pull my camera out for.  I think Clif got some pics on his iPhone, but currently I don't have them.

I will, however, leave you with these pictures.  I'm thinking of getting her an agent since this was her "movie box picture" pose.  

Then this is Ainsley Rapunzel getting ready to fight Flynn with her frying pan.

And here she is wrapping her magic hair around Flynn's wounded hand.

So yeah, I'm thinking we have a star in the making.  
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