Jaime's Story

I started this blog 3 years ago to keep in touch with family and friends who don't live near by.  Since then, I'd like to think it's grown into something more.  I'm trying to flex my writing muscle a bit, it's been out of shape for a long time and I realized how much I missed it...so here we are.

So about me...hmmm, well, I don't think I have any deep, dark secrets.  Nothing truly horrible has happened to me...I've lived a pretty good life with the normal speed bumps and obstacles along the way.  I guess in the grand scheme of things, I'm one of the lucky ones.

I'm 33 years old.  I met my husband, Clif, 10 years ago.  We got married 5 years ago and almost immediately started a family.  In July 2007 we welcomed Ainsley Lynn into our lives and life has never been the same.  She's amazingly smart and absolutely gorgeous.  I'm not sure where she gets either trait.  Apparently Clif and I make smart, pretty people.

In March of 2010 we added another little one to the mix...Frederick Clifton White IV...Freddie for short.  Freddie is such a boy and also fiercely smart.  He's everywhere all the time and so cute I want to cuddle him and smother him with kisses every time I see him.  He doesn't always love that.

Also, we've got two dogs.  Dogs I love, but definitely neglect these days.  Gatsby was our first baby.  He joined the family as an itty bitty puppy in July of 2005 (that makes him 6 when I'm writing this).  He is a mutt, the most handsome, well behaved mutt I've ever seen.  We got Brinkley from some friends who bred their Golden Retreivers.  He was over 4 months when he came to live with us in the early spring of 2009 (now he's 2.5).

So those are the basics and this is my story.  Sometimes it's crazy, sometimes it's exciting, sometimes it's perfect and sometimes it's messy.  It is what it is and I'm just trying to record and remember every moment.  I hope you'll join me for the ride.
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