Monday, March 7, 2011

Blown Away

So this morning when I opened my email I had a bunch of comments on one of my posts.  It wasn't my most recent post, it was from a week or so ago.  It was a a very personal post and it wasn't easy for me to write or publish.  In fact, it took me months to finish it and another month to actually post it.

I was surprised that I had so many comments and then as I read through them I realized why.  A blogger that I LOVE featured the post on her blog!  Click here to read her stuff and see my featured post.  She is amazing.  I read her posts every day and they always leave me laughing, thinking or crying.  I was just so shocked and honored that she had picked me as one of her weekly featured bloggers.

And then a bunch of her readers came here and left wonderful, heartfelt comments.  I am so grateful to her and all of her readers for stopping by and reading.  It really made my day.

So thank you, to all of you who have been reading since the very beginning, to all of you who just read your first post and to all of you who comment and say such sweet things.  Much love to you all.
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