Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nagging Questions

I've had a little voice nagging me for months now.  Pushing, pulling, arguing. 

Before we moved, Ainsley and Freddie were in a structured daycare environment.  It was like Preschool.  But it was daycare, because I work full time and Preschool?  Not full time.

Now, they are at the home of a woman who runs her own daycare center in her basement.  It's a very nice place, and mostly I'm happy with it.

Ainsley is the oldest child there, by a year.
Although they have "classroom time," I don't know that it's comprehensive enough.
She'll be 4 in a month and I worry that she's in the wrong environment.

Another but...
I can't afford a more expensive daycare.
Since this place is convenient to our current living situation, we most likely will change when we move and I don't want to switch her multiple times.
Preschool is not full time, so that is not an option.

So I go back and forth, argue with myself, wonder if I'm making the right decisions for her future.  I know that she is so young, but I can't help but worry that she won't be in the right place come Kindergarten.

A few months back I decided we'd have our own little classroom time at home...but people? I am no teacher.  But what I am? Is a mother to TWO children, a wife, a housekeeper, a cook, a playmate, a dog owner, a full time employee.  Basically, my plan has not panned out.  I just don't have the extra time to spend learning letters and the sounds they make.

So now I am in the worry zone again.  Do I suck it up and just find the money somewhere to send her elsewhere? Even if that means cutting back on things like groceries and needed supplies?  Do I keep her up later at night so we can play school?

I'm not sure what the answer is.  What is the plan for your child's Pre-K education?  Any advice is greatly appreciated because I can't seem to find anyone in my similar situation.
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