We live outside of DC. Traffic? Is not an annoyance - though it is annoying - it is a way of life. Ainsley has learned this in the 5 months we've lived here. Mommy, does not deal well with traffic. Mommy may have a touch of the road rage.
So tonight, after picking them up from daycare we are greeted with the longest line of traffic I have ever seen on the road leading to the house.
"Mommy! What is that?" Ainsley says, shock oozing out of her mouth.
"That Ainsley," I answer, "Is really bad traffic."
"Oh no. I hate twaffic," she sighs dramatically.
"Yes Ainsley," I sigh, mirroring her drama, "I hate traffic too."
I finally manage to squeeze in between a commuter bus and a dump truck.
"Go cars, go!" Ainsley yells.
"Mommy, they are not listening to me."
I look back and smile at her, "I know Ainsley, they never do."
At that point a fire truck screams by. As the air settles, Ainsley takes a deep breath and says "What...the... HELL was that?!"
I laugh, I can't help it.
"Ainsley? Did you just say What the hell?"
She nods.
"Well, you know that's not a very nice thing to say?"
"I know mommy, but what the hell is with this twaffic?"
I'm linking up with Rebecca over at Musings of a Manic Mama on Friday. Go check out her blog...
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago