I was never one of those skinny, not showing until 6 months, pregnant girls. I showed very early. The first time it was pretty much under control, even though I was in maternity clothes by the end of my first trimester.
7 months pregnant and NO stretchmarks! Don't worry, they showed up for #2. |
2 weeks before Ainsley arrived |
Number 2? I bought larger pants at 5 weeks. I couldn't fit into some of my maternity clothes from the first pregnancy. People knew what was going on by the time I was 2 months along. There was no hiding it. I was...whalish. Yes, that describes it well.
The night before Freddie was born, on bed rest, feeling oh so beautiful... |
I am not posting a nude belly pic of #2. This picture is embarrassing enough.
I'm a little nervous to see what #3 will bring.*
*This is simply a thought, I AM NOT pregnant. Don't go starting any rumors!
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago