Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quick Update

Hi all! Well I am officially back at work. Good news is that I will probably be able to update the blog a bit more since I am sitting in front of the computer all day long. I know I haven't posted in awhile so I wanted to give a quick update...but sorry, I have no pictures at work.

Freddie is doing great. We had the biopsy of his ear mass on Monday. We should get the results back today or tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of your kind words and prayers. We are truly blessed with such wonderful friends and supportive family. We are so lucky to have all of you awesome people in our lives.

He is 10 weeks old today and at his last doctor's appointment he weighed 14 lbs 12 ounces. He is a monster!!! He seems to be getting over some of his fussiness. He is smiling and laughing a lot more these days. He really responds well to Ainsley. He lights up when he hears her voice.

Speaking of Ainsley, she has a bit of a head cold. I thought it was more serious when she was up most of the night Monday night, but she's feeling better and I think it's just congestion. She hasn't been sick since last January (2009) so I guess we can't complain about a little head cold.

We signed her up for a Romp and Roll class this week. It will start mid June. I'll keep you posted on that. I think she's going to love it and I think it will be really good for her to get away from both mommy and daddy for an hour here and there. I've noticed that she doesn't always know what to do when she's around other kids. She gets super excited to have playmates but she still wants either Clif or me to play with her. I like that she still wants to play with us but I think she needs to learn to play with kids her own age.

I will try this weekend to load pictures from the last few weeks. We've been busy. We went to see Sesame Street Live, we went back to Maymont, we visited friends and we took lots of pictures. So I will do my best to use the long weekend to blog.

Hope all is well and everyone has a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend!
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