Thank you everyone for your prayers and good thoughts.
Freddie is doing well. We arrived at the hospital just after 7 and they took him back a little after 8. Around 8:40 he was asleep and in the machine. They called us back to come get him around 10:15. So it took longer than we thought. We won't know any results until we hear from the ENT tomorrow.
He did very well not eating for so long...the Lord definitely answered my prayers on that one! I fed him in the middle of the night extra long, then he slept until after 6 this morning. At that point he was actually very calm. He didn't start losing it until right before 8 when the nurses and doctors were taking his temp and listening to his heart/breathing.
It was extremely difficult to hand him over. I guess I didn't realize how nervous I was until the time actually came. I didn't want Ainsley to see me upset so I went straight to the bathroom. I was afraid she'd be scared if she saw me upset. She was very concerned about her baby brother and why people were taking him away. Clif reassured her and she was good as new by the time I got back to the waiting area.
We are home now and Freddie is sleeping away. He will probably do that most of the day. Perfect for a rainy, cloudy, cold-for-May day.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago