Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Celebration

We had a very nice Thanksgiving weekend with Clif's family. After work on Wednesday, I actually went and got a manicure and a massage...wonderful. Exactly what I needed. Then we just hung out at home the rest of the night. It was nice to sit and relax before running off for a very busy 4 days.

Thursday morning we drove to Clif's grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner before heading on to Northern Virginia. We got to visit with Clif's Aunt and Cousins and some of their kids.

Friday morning, Ainsley and I went to visit with my Aunt Linda, Uncle Matt and their two boys. Every time I see these kids I feel so old. I remember visiting my aunt in the hospital when she had the younger one and I spent a lot of my high school and college days babysitting and hanging out with these little guys. They are the only reason I know that a little boy will love to hang out with me! Now, not so little. They both tower over me. The oldest, Eddie, is in his second year of college. The younger one, Chris, is a Junior in High School. Where does the time go? This is how I like to remember them...

And here they are now...

Wonderful young men, but I miss those sweet cute little boys :( It's hard to believe that my kids will be that big one day.

We headed back to Nanny and Poppa's house Friday afternoon to visit with Cameron and Amanda. They gave Ainsley her Christmas present early...a brand new pair of boots. And not just any boots...Uggs! Lucky little girl.

Saturday we went to the mall for a bit where Ainsley got a new little pet at Build-A-Bear. The skating puppy's name is Sandy...because Ainsley loves Annie. This was Auntie Keek's present to Ainsley...yes, I have the most spoiled child on earth. What will she do when baby brother arrives!

Saturday night was the engagement party for Cam and Amanda. Ainsley had a ball running around in her pretty dress and twirling with all the bigger girls.

Mommy was very tired and had trouble keeping up with the little bug...who managed to go, go, go on very little sleep and very little food. The child was so distracted all weekend that she barely touched her meals and napping? Well that was out of the question.

Sunday morning Ainsley rode her Little Wheels that Nanny and Poppa got for her before we headed home.

Ainsley does not like to leave people and does not like guests to leave us. She was pretty sad, but stayed a big girl and didn't cry.

Then we sat in traffic and just vegged out the rest of the evening. Very busy weekend, but lots of fun.
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