This year I let Ainsley help with the Christmas cookies, so beware if you eat any cookies at my house...we lost an egg shell in some batter, we melted Hershey kisses all over our hands and we did LOTS of taste testing.
Sometimes Ainsley is very into the baking...other times not so much.
We only made three types this year: Chocolate Chip (which I have to say are the best I've ever made...I am not really a baker, so sometimes my stuff does not turn out the best), Peanut Butter Balls and Peanut Blossoms. I may still make sugar cookies so Ainsley can decorate them, but it will really just depend on time. We'll see.
Ainsley was very good about unwrapping the Hershey kisses for the Peanut Blossoms
She only ate every 3rd or 4th one.
Ainsley loves the peanut butter balls...they are definitely her favorite.
Here is the finished product, but right now it's not so pretty...the plate is mostly gone.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago