Monday, May 19, 2008

Lobster Day, New Shoes and Speeding Along

This weekend we visited Ainsley's grandparents (Nanny and Popa) in Fairfax. For those of you that don't know, these are Clif's parents. We went up Saturday morning for my mother-in-law's birthday and came back yesterday evening. We also picked up Clif's grandmother (Non-Non) in Fredericksburg on the way. It was a very nice visit. My in-laws have a tradition - every spring they participate in something called Lobster Day. Apparently it was such a big deal that their youngest child (Auntie Caitlyn) actually thought it was a real holiday growing up. So Ainsley had her first Lobster Day...of course she is a little young for shell fish, so she had a hot dog and watermelon instead. But Nanny had this very cool lobster romper for her to wear on the occasion. She was actually in bed by the time we sat down for dinner, but she had a fun day none the less.

Saturday, we also shopped for new shoes. Unfortunately I did not get a very good picture of her in the new shoes, so I'll have to post that later. Nanny bought her two new pairs...a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of white sandals. They are very cute and very stylish. Her little tennis shoes are all different colors and match perfectly with a pair of striped socks we also got. With both the socks and shoes on, she reminds me of Punky Bruster.

We got home yesterday evening and Ainsley practiced walking again...

I have video of this, but I can't get it to upload I'll have to have my all knowing husband look into that.
Ainsley has gotten the hang of her push toy. She has so much fun with it now and just gets so excited. This is a great new way to keep her entertained while I make dinner. She doesn't quite get the concept of walls yet...she seems to think if she just keeps pushing they'll eventually move out of her way. She is just trucking along in the walking department. I know I say it over and over again, but it really is so amazing how quickly she learns things. She just took her first steps a couple of weeks ago and now she's doing laps around the kitchen. Amazing!
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