As most of you know, Ainsley is not my first baby...Gatsby was my first baby. And yesterday was his third birthday. I really wanted to do a post yesterday dedicated to him, but since we were so busy running around yesterday, I will post two entries today. This one is dedicated to my number one pup...G-Dog.
Here is a video of Gatsby's second day with us, he was such a little guy. Just a little ball of fur...
Here is a video of Gatsby's second day with us, he was such a little guy. Just a little ball of fur...
Gatsby came along on our trip to Chesapeake this weekend. He played with Carrie and Tim's dog Sally. They had a blast. Carrie and Tim have this really long back yard, so Gatsby was able to really get up some speed. And he chased tennis balls for hours. He was in heaven. For those of you that know Gatsby, you know that he really doesn't tire out. However, Saturday night he laid down in the middle of the living room with the babies playing around him and all the adults talking. I guess our little guy is growing up.
Happy birthday Gatsby, you are the best dog that we could of ever asked for.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago