Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

First off, I know I haven't written about the half marathon yet.  Actually I have been writing about it for a week, but it's going to be a long post and I just can't seem to finish it.  All and all, the half marathon was alright.  I had a cold, still do...awesome.  But it went well.  I am fairly certain I will never do that again.  The last 2-3 miles were a killer.  But I am glad I set the goal and accomplished it.

Now that, that's out of the way...Halloween.  I don't have the greatest pictures.  We left our real camera at my mom's house and my phone was not cooperating last night. 
Mommy, don't I look like the girl on the package?

My police man and my put bad guys in da trash!

Ainsley and Freddie had a blast.  It was the longest we've ever gone.  We almost made it through the whole neighborhood. 

What is it about kids and losing all sight of their manners when a bowl of candy is presented?  I have to say that my kids have very good manners...normally.  However, I can't count the number of times I had to say "What do you say?" as they turned to leave each house.  And then mostly we just got a half hearted "Thanks" over the shoulder as they ran off to the next place.

The kids made out.  Mostly all chocolate. 

I want this and this and MOSTABLY...This!
Lots and lots of candy, lots and lots of candy, lots and lots of candy...

I'm going to have to get this stuff out of my house before I start eating it all...and I haven't ran in a week and a half.  Hoping to change that this weekend.

Happy Halloween all!

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