Friday, October 7, 2011

Just a Guest

Clif and I have been to lots of weddings.  I mean LOTS of weddings.  I can't count how many weddings we've been to, but one year before we were even engaged we went to 10...5 of which one of us were in.

Between the ages of 25 and 28 everyone you've ever met gets married.  Then you get a break.  And then 3 out of 4 of your younger siblings get married within 1 year!  And you and your kids are in all those requires a very skilled act of juggling. 

Last summer, Clif was the best man and Ainsley was the flower girl in Cam and Amanda's wedding.  I had my hands full with a 3 month old who was breastfeeding around the clock.

Exactly one year ago this Saturday I was the matron of honor in my sister's wedding.  Ainsley was the flower girl.  Clif was a groomsman.  And Freddie was pure cuteness!  He didn't have an actual role in the wedding, but he was there and still breastfeeding most of the time.

Five months ago I was a bridesmaid, Clif was a groomsman, Ainsley was a flower girl and Freddie was a ring bearer in Caitlyn and Oliver's wedding.

As a bridesmaid or groomsman you have a lot to do the day of the, makeup, hang out with the bride/groom, participate in weekend plans with the wedding party...that is not easy to do with two children who also have to be dressed and ready to walk down the aisle.

Not that we weren't honored to be involved in all three weddings...we were, but it's not the carefree, easy time it was before kids.

Last weekend we went to a wedding and...wait for it...none of us were in it!!!  Clif's cousin got married in Connecticut.  We took a long weekend, hung out with Cameron, Amanda, Caitlyn and Oliver and went to the wedding on Saturday.

It was a pretty good time.  However, weddings?  Not the same when you've got kids.  In my younger days, I spent the first couple hours of the reception getting a bit tipsy so I could spend the last hour or so dancing.

Now, we spent the first hour running circles around the empty dance floor, then passed out in our seats for the rest of the evening.

But it was still a good time and a good excuse to wear our prettiest dress.
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