I was a little nervous about Ainsley and the wedding events because everything was taking place past her bedtime. So I decided to try a nap on Friday before the rehearsal and dinner. The rehearsal was not due to start until about 7 and the dinner wasn't happening until 8:30. I did my best to wear her out at the beach that day and then headed in around 3 for a late lunch and a nap.
Of course it was difficult getting her to sleep. She doesn't take naps anymore and even when she did it was hard to get her to go down. But she did finally fall asleep and she slept for 2 hours! I was so proud that my plan was working...and then she woke up a very cranky, unhappy little girl. I could barely get her dressed and outside in time for the rehearsal. She cried while I dressed her...but finally she was ready.
The wedding was to take place on the beach right outside the beach house we were staying in...so that's where the rehearsal was.
The dinner was very nice. Clif's parents did a really nice job and Denise put together a video for Cam and Amanda just like she had for mine and Clif's rehearsal dinner. It was very sweet to watch.
Ainsley had a blast running around with the other flower girl and her little sister.
Saturday morning Ainsley slept until 10:30!! She was worn out! I decided not to do a nap that day after Friday's disaster. Apparently there was some crankiness during the pictures after the ceremony, and getting to the reception was a bit hectic, but once she was there she just played with the other kids...but I'm getting ahead of myself.
The ceremony was beautiful. The groom was handsome and the bride was stunning...and Ainsley was a doll. She was too cute for words. Freddie slept in the baby wrap...I think you're probably seeing a trend here...need a cooperative baby, put him in a baby wrap!
The reception was a lot of fun. Freddie slept most of the time, but I did get this picture of him with Poppa.
Ainsley was a wild woman on the dance floor with her cousin Sammy and the other flower girl.
We had to pull them off to the side during the toasts. This was completely unacceptable to an overtired, little flower girl. It was the beginning of the end for her and she passed out in no time.
It was a fun week, a great party and it was wonderful to catch up with family and friends. Now we get to prepare for Carolyn and Mike's wedding in October.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago