Ainsley is laid back, up beat and always sees the positive.
Freddie is passionate, emotional and high tempered.
Ainsley - 1 Day Old |
Freddie - 1 Minute Old |
Ainsley is a tall and thin. She's graceful and gentle.
Freddie is shorter and plumper. He's clumsy and rough.
Ainsley - 2 Months |
Freddie - 3 Months |
Freddie likes his schedule and lets you know when you've screwed with it.
Ainsley has always loved to cuddle and is happiest being held.
Freddie needs his space and is a bit more independent.
Ainsley - 4 Months |
Freddie - 5 Months |
Freddie tends to get overstimulated.
Ainsley - Just after eating her first birthday cake. |
Freddie - Can't be done with the first birthday cake quick enough! |
She showed me how.
Before Freddie, I thought I was a pro.
He changed the rules.
I'm linking up with Shell at Things I Can't Say for her "Rock the Baby" meme.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago