Friday, July 8, 2011

The Last Night

Four years ago tonight, I was so nervous.

I remember lying on the couch, unable to go to bed.

Clif rubbed my swollen ankles and I tried not to think about the day ahead.

The night seemed to fly by and drag on at the same time.

The baby fidgeted and hiccuped and stretched beneath my skin all night long.

That night would be the last night of the life I'd known.

The next morning I'd be a mommy.  I'd have a baby girl to hold and cuddle and rock.

The nursery was ready.  All the clothes were washed and folded in their drawers.  We had picked a name.  We had a car seat installed in the backseat.  We had preregistered at the hospital.

We were ready...right?

I thought I was so prepared, and I guess I was  as much as any new parent could be.  But four years ago tonight, I had no idea how much a sweet little girl named Ainsley would change my life.

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