Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mommy's Too Busy


It's me, know the star of this blog.

I thought I should write because Mommy is so busy, she didn't even post my "According to Ainsley" story this week.

It was going to be about a talk we had in the car.  One where Mommy told me how old she is.  Thirty-three!  Wow, that is so old.

But like I said, Mommy is busy because my birthday party is on Saturday.  My birthday was last Saturday on July 9th but this weekend is my party.

I'm so excited.  It's going to be a Tangled party.  That is my favorite movie.  I love it, it's so great.  I know all the songs and almost all the words to the whole movie!  I have a dress like Rapunzel and a wig to give me long hair.

Right now Mommy is trying to figure out how to make a Rapunzel tower on a cake.  I told Mommy that the cake needed a tower, and Rapunzel needed to be looking out the window and her hair should be hanging all the way down and blowing in the wind.  Then Flynn should be climbing up the tower and Maximus and Pisaul can play in the water on the ground.  It's going to be a beautiful cake.

Yesterday we had to shop for all the decorations and supplies. We got plates and napkins with Rapunzel on them.  And everything is purple.  I love purple.  My room in Richmond was purple.

Mommy has so much to post about.  She wants to post baby pictures of me and Freddie for a link-up.  She wants to tell you all about my birthday.  Plus Freddie is doing some really cute stuff lately...oh and some really bad stuff that is driving Mommy crazy.

Uh-oh, here comes Mommy and I'm supposed to be sleeping.

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