Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Streak Is Over

Ainsley and Freddie have been in daycare for 2.5 weeks. Yesterday I got a call, Ainsley has a 103 temperature. Took her to the doctor. Strep throat!

The healthy streak is fever for 20 months now and only a couple of minor head colds. So sad. Now I'm trying to ensure that Freddie does not get it and that I do not get it since I leave for Carolyn's bachelorette party in New Orleans tomorrow night.

Kind of tough considering I'm the only parent right now...but Clif will be home tonight. I've only had strep 1 time in my life, so I'm hoping that I'm pretty immune to it and that my immunity is being passed on to Freddie through the breast milk. Fingers crossed!

She is feeling better and the fever seems to have broken.

Freddie is happy as ever, and healthy right now. I'm only allowing Ainsley to love and kiss on his feet, since his big belly inhibits his ability to put them in his mouth.

I know my posting has been spotty at best, sorry, you guys will have to bare with me...but this whole single parent thing Monday through Friday is getting easier every day. So hopefully I'll get back on track soon.

Have a great weekend and think of me when I have to say goodbye to my babies tomorrow evening...

I will miss them terribly, but I am looking forward to a mini vacation with my mom and sister and a dozen of her friends.
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