Let's go back a couple of weeks. The last weekend of September Ainsley and I went to visit my good friend Carrie. She just had her second baby. If you've heard me mention Carrie before, you probably remember that her daughter Addie and Ainsley are only 8 days apart in age. So Ainsley talked about visiting Addie for days before hand. I was curious to see how she'd be with a brand new baby. It had been awhile since she was around such a little guy. She did really great. She wanted to hold him all day and she kept petting his little head. She must have like the way his hair felt. She'd kiss him and hug him. It was very cute.
My friend Shanna also brought her son Grayson. Grayson is a couple of months younger than Ainsley and Addie. I have to say the kids played so well together. It's so crazy to see these girls as moms now. The three of us spent a lot of time together in college and even lived together for awhile. It's awesome that we've been able to watch each other grow into motherhood and I love that I get to be around their babies, even if it isn't as often as I'd like.
Of course we never get pictures of the mommies, just the munchkins!
When I was pregnant with Ainsley, Clif took a picture of my belly every week and now we've got about 32 pictures of me getting bigger and bigger. Well, we slacked a bit this time around and didn't get started until about the 13 week mark. But we did start, and no I am not sharing those pictures right now. I just kind of look fat. However, I will share this very funny story. Ainsley of course had to have her turn, so here she is cheesing it up with her belly exposed standing just like mommy.

Too funny. She had us in hysterics. She was so serious about where she stood and how many pictures we took. She's such a little person with a mind all her own.
Too funny. She had us in hysterics. She was so serious about where she stood and how many pictures we took. She's such a little person with a mind all her own.
Finally, last weekend we went to the State Fair. We had never been before and thought that now since we have Ainsley and she's getting bigger we should check it out. We also got free tickets :)
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago