Alright, so I have been so slack on the blog...but I do have a really good excuse. So on top of working my normal 40+ hour a week job and trying to work on my transcription class, I've now decided to take on a second job to help bring in extra money. I told you a few posts ago about the Premier jewelry. I had my debut show over the weekend and start having my own shows next week. It has been taking up a lot of my time. I am super nervous about presenting in front of a group of people, but if I can just get through my first few shows I know that I'll be fine. Oh and one other thing...I'm pregnant, so I'm tired. Which means I never make it upstairs to dump the camera. Most of you have probably already heard by now. I've sent a few emails and I've posted it to facebook, but for those of you who haven't heard...yes I am having another baby. Ainsley will be a big sister next spring. Our due date is April 1, 2010.
So now that it's out there, let me catch you up on the last couple of weeks...
Last weekend I had to leave my little bug for the whole weekend, which I have never done before and was so very hard. I missed her and Clif so much I could barely stand it. Don't get me wrong, I had a really nice weekend in Maryland with my cousins, but it is tough to go a day without seeing that sweet little face.
While I was gone Ainsley asked to use the potty twice, and actually used it twice. She also mastered climbing out of her crib. I was planning on waiting until the new baby's arrival got closer before switching her to a bed, but I'm thinking we may have to move that up a bit. Not that she ever sleeps these not even sure what it matters. I don't know how she runs on so little sleep.
This past weekend was my debut jewelry now I officially start having my own shows. The party went really well. I had a great time and I thought it was very successful. After the party we ended up having dinner with my friend Julie and her little girl Katherine. It is rare that we're able to snap a picture of the girls. We either forget or one of them is moving, crying, looking away, etc.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago