Monday, September 21, 2009

Where does the time go...

Alright, so I have been so slack on the blog...but I do have a really good excuse. So on top of working my normal 40+ hour a week job and trying to work on my transcription class, I've now decided to take on a second job to help bring in extra money. I told you a few posts ago about the Premier jewelry. I had my debut show over the weekend and start having my own shows next week. It has been taking up a lot of my time. I am super nervous about presenting in front of a group of people, but if I can just get through my first few shows I know that I'll be fine. Oh and one other thing...I'm pregnant, so I'm tired. Which means I never make it upstairs to dump the camera. Most of you have probably already heard by now. I've sent a few emails and I've posted it to facebook, but for those of you who haven't heard...yes I am having another baby. Ainsley will be a big sister next spring. Our due date is April 1, 2010.

So now that it's out there, let me catch you up on the last couple of weeks...

Last weekend I had to leave my little bug for the whole weekend, which I have never done before and was so very hard. I missed her and Clif so much I could barely stand it. Don't get me wrong, I had a really nice weekend in Maryland with my cousins, but it is tough to go a day without seeing that sweet little face.

While I was gone Ainsley asked to use the potty twice, and actually used it twice. She also mastered climbing out of her crib. I was planning on waiting until the new baby's arrival got closer before switching her to a bed, but I'm thinking we may have to move that up a bit. Not that she ever sleeps these not even sure what it matters. I don't know how she runs on so little sleep.

This past weekend was my debut jewelry now I officially start having my own shows. The party went really well. I had a great time and I thought it was very successful. After the party we ended up having dinner with my friend Julie and her little girl Katherine. It is rare that we're able to snap a picture of the girls. We either forget or one of them is moving, crying, looking away, etc.

Then on Sunday we were very lazy and watched football all day. Ainsley can almost sing "Hail to the Redskins!"

That's about it, things are pretty dull now that we've decided not to travel so much and I'm too tired to do much of anything at night.

I promise to get my butt upstairs on a more regular basis and get updates posted.

Hope all is well and hope every one's weekend gets here quick...especially mine.

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