Monday, September 7, 2009

Thank You Grandma

Last weekend we went to visit my mom. It was a short trip but it was nice to spend time with her in her new house. We went shopping on Saturday and mom bought Ainsley a pair of Squeak Me Shoes. I had never heard of these shoes, but they squeak when she walks. Ainsley loves these new shoes. She put them on in the mall and proceeded to run in circles in the hallway yelling "Mommy, I yove dis dame!!!!" (Mommy, I love this game!) Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me at the mall, but I did get this video of her a little later so you can get the gist of the shoes.

I told my mom that every pair should be sold with a matching t-shirt that says "Don't blame mommy, my grandmother bought me these shoes."

Last weekend was also Clif's birthday. Ever since Ainsley's birthday, it is just about her favorite thing to sing her version of Happy Birthday to everyone. Here's a clip of her singing to Clif.

Ainsley and I rushed back home to hang up the birthday banner and make Clif a birthday cake.

It's been a crazy month with weddings and out of town travels, so this Labor Day weekend we just stayed home and caught up with friends. Saturday night we took Clif to a Japanese Steak House with some of his friends to officially celebrate his birthday. Then Sunday Nanny, Poppa and Non Non came down to visit for lunch and Ainsley got to ride the train with Nanny.

Today is Poppa's birthday so Ainsley and I made him a berry pie and we got to sing to him as well. Finally last night we had some good friends over that we hadn't seen in awhile. So now it's Monday and we'll probably spend the day running errands and cleaning up the house. It sucks to go back to work tomorrow, but I only have 3 days this week. Next Friday my sister and I are driving to Maryland to spend the weekend with some of our cousins. Very excited to have a girls weekend and get away, but very sad to leave my little bug for a whole weekend.

Everyone have a great, short week.
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