Sunday, March 22, 2009


Clif and Ainsley went on their first official playdate this past week. Clif has a fraternity brother that stays home with his 2 year old daughter. The two of them took the girls to meet a couple of other mothers and their kids at the Maymount Zoo. Here are some pics from their little outing.

Afterwards Clif and Ainsley came and rescued me from work for a quick lunch.

This weekend has been pretty low-key...which is exactly what we needed after a very busy few months. Yesterday we went to the birthday party of some friend's one year old. Ainsley had fun playing with the other kids and seeing their puppies. Ainsley also unwrapped the present right as we were walking out the door. If you invite us to anything, pretty much just expect us to be late.

Next weekend Grandma is coming to visit and she is going to run the Monument 10K with me. I use the term "run" loosely. I have not been running consistently and ever since I had Ainsley my knees have just not been the same. I'm pretty sure someone switched my knees out with those of an 80 year old woman while I wasn't looking. So, I have a feeling that I will be doing a lot of walking.

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