Last weekend we were supposed to go to Shamrock the Block for a St. Patty's Day celebration. However, it rained all weekend long and the festival was postponed. So we made our own fun at our house.
Friday night we all went out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant to celebrate Cam and Amanda's engagement. Ainsley got her standard spaghetti with meatballs, but ended up eating my tortellini with vodka sauce. We had some friends over that night and Clif built a fire on the deck under our canopy to protect it from the rain.
Saturday we all dressed in our green as if we were going to the festival and went to a local bar instead. It has a separate non smoking room where Ainsley could play and not be bothered with the bar crowd.
On Sunday we had to say goodbye to all of our guests and Ainsley had a birthday party to go to. Our friends' little girl turned 3 and they had a party at one of those moon bounce places. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera and this was the only picture Clif took when he showed up.
Ainsley loved this place. She was a bit small to go in by herself, so I had to follow her around every where. So we bounced, and climbed, and slid until we were worn out. Needless to say, I was pretty sore earlier this week.
Actual St. Patty's Day was not super exciting. It was rainy so Clif and Ainsley didn't do much and I had to work. I did attempt to make Shamrock Shakes since apparently McDonald's does not make them anymore. They were OK. I couldn't find straight up mint extract, so I got peppermint extract and it was a little overpowering. They were very pretty though.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago