Monday, August 11, 2008

Pictures Finally!!

Yeah, I have my camera back. I know you all have been waiting patiently for pictures of Ainsley, so I won't type much but I'll post lots of pictures. First, here are some from a couple of weeks ago. They were on my camera before I left it at a friend's house.

Here are some pictures of Ainsley eating a Popsicle...she loves them.

And here is Ainsley in her new playroom that we have set up.

Ainsley loves to dance to Dave and Tim jammin on the big screen!

Ainsley eating lasagna and watermelon.

Finally this weekend. This weekend was our good friend Sean's wedding. Ainsley stayed with Nanny and Poppa. I think all three of them had a blast. Friday night Ainsley got to go to Poppa's work party where she got to hang with some other babies and kids. Of course my in laws are biased, but they just went on and on how she was the best, cutest baby there. Clif and I attended the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on Friday night. Clif was a groomsman in the wedding.

After very little sleep, Ainsley woke up bright and early Saturday morning. Mommy and Daddy were not ready to get up, so she had a ball just banging on the headboard and giving us kisses for about 45 minutes.

Saturday afternoon we left for the wedding and Ainsley went shopping with Nanny and Poppa. She got two new pairs of shoes to replace the two that she is quickly growing out of. Ainsley also got a Baby Beluga stuffed animal from the book store. And according to my father in law, she drove some old woman crazy. Normally, everyone thinks Ainsley is the cutest thing and doesn't mind when she's making such a ruckus. However, Saturday evening she was in the bookstore running up and down the isle yelling "Buh Bye, Buh Bye" and some old woman walks up to my father in law and starts mocking Ainsley and screaming about how inappropriate it is. For those of you that know my father in law, you can imagine how he reacted. For those of you that don't know him...let's just say, this was a very bad idea. He had some words for the woman, who apparently wouldn't shut up about it the whole time they were in line. Luckily, Ainsley had everyone else in the store on her side.

Here are some pictures of her from the weekend:

In her little red Adirondack chair.

Before we left for the wedding.

All tuckered out on the way home.
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