Sunday, August 24, 2008

Did you miss us?

Here we are, back again. Last week was insane at work so there was really no chance I was getting on the computer after getting home between 7 and 8. Sorry if you missed us.

Ainsley has started climbing on things, particularly the ottoman. Here are a few pictures of that.

After having a very long, very dreadful week at work, we spent the weekend with friends. Friday night we invited Jeff, Amy, Corey, Jill and their two daughters over to play Guitar Hero on the Wii. It was nice to relax and hang out with friends after being chained to my desk all week. Ainsley held baby Lucy.

She loves the baby dolls, but this baby moved and she wasn't really down with that. Ainsley also played with Charlotte, I can't say they played great. Neither of them is really in to the whole sharing thing, and they both seem to want whatever the other has. So there were some minor tiffs, but I'm sure they'll do lots of playing together as they get older.

Saturday we got up early and headed to Clif's parent's house. Clif and I went to see a movie and then had a wedding to go to later that night. We saw the new Batman movie which was so good. I really liked it. Clif LOVED it. I'm sure he would of walked right back in the theater to see it again if we had time.

Ainsley spent the evening with Nanny and Poppa while we attended the wedding. It was a very nice wedding and Ainsley loved hanging out with her grandparents.

So now it's Sunday...another busy weekend bites the dust. I really don't feel like I should be going back to work tomorrow. Luckily my partner is back in the office so I will have some of the load lifted. Weekends are always too short.

I wanted to share this cute little video with you too. Ainsley has taken a bigger interest in Gatsby these days. She's really loving him, and not just hitting him. I'm sure Gatsby is glad to see those days on their way out! On the way home today she got a little upset when she couldn't reach him to pet him. And then this afternoon she wanted to put his leash on him. So she kind of took him for a walk around the living room.

That's all for now, I'm hitting the sack early tonight. I'll update more this week.
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