6 Months:
Ainsley has always loved the bath. This is probably one of the last times I used the baby tub.
7 Months:
8 Months:
Ainsley...not so much the best sleeper, but here she fell asleep on Clif's lap next to the computer. She was so tired she just couldn't go on.
Ainsley started crawling this month and about a week later she was pulling up on furniture. She's been on the move ever since.
St. Patty's Day:
First Easter:
Here's Ainsley opening her first Easter basket. We spent Easter with Grandma and Grandpa in North Carolina.
9 Months:
Ainsley LOVES phones and remotes, but she thinks that remotes are phones, so really I think it's a love of phones. As you can see, if she gets her hands on one she's all smiles.
10 Months:
11 Months:
Day 365 - Turning 1:
Well, that brings us to yesterday. We had a little celebration for Ainsley on her actual birthday, her party is next Saturday. I practiced making a ladybug cake so I could be sure that I would be able to pull it off at the party. I think it turned out pretty well, what do you think?
We did the typical 1 year old birthday thing and Ainsley made a huge mess, here's a video:
And some pictures:
Well, that's what I've been up to for the past year. So if you haven't heard from me much, now you know why. I thought I might be sad about her turning one, I'm not. Then I thought I might want to have another baby when she turned one, I DON'T...yet. But, today we were walking around the store and I tried to hold Ainsley's hand and she went "ehhh" and pulled away, and I would be lying if that wasn't a little sad. I do miss her being a teeny baby sometimes, but I really look forward to the little girl she's becoming.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago