Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ainsley is a Big Girl

Goodbye Nursery...

Hello Big Girl Room!

Yes it is a little cramped. We decided to leave Ainsley in her room for a few of reasons:

1-We're having a boy this time, and I'm not sure he'd appreciate the purple walls like Ainsley does. I already have to paint the new nursery, I'd rather not paint Ainsley's room too. Plus I found bedding that looked cute with the purple walls.

2-Ainsley is a terrible sleeper and it's probably a bad idea to put her upstairs where she can tumble down the stairs in the middle of the night. The baby will be immobile for awhile. I'm also hoping he sleeps better than she does.

3-The baby will be in our room for the first few months. I am still holding out a sliver of hope that Clif will get a job and we can move into a new house where all our rooms will be on the same floor.

We got her room all set up last night. One thing off my laundry list of things to do before the little man arrives. Ainsley was sooo very excited about her big girl bed. We weren't planning on having her sleep in it last night because we don't have a railing for it yet. However, she kept asking and I thought it was a bad idea to discourage it, so I laid down with her.

As we were going to sleep Ainsley said "Mommy, my have big girl bed, and daddy have big girl bed and daddy so escited for me!" (that word would be excited). She really is just too cute for words.

I got up around 2 AM to go to the bathroom, of course, and went to my bed leaving Ainsley protected by pillows so she wouldn't fall out.

She slept in there by herself until 7 AM this morning. At that point, she did wake up crying and calling for me. So that's 5 hours, sleeping by herself, which has not happened in a long time. Usually she doesn't make it more than an hour or so. We'll see how it goes tonight.
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