Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Time Flies...First Year in Review - Part 1

Today is little Ainsley's first birthday. I really can't believe it. I thought I would use this post on this day to kind of review our first year. I'll try not to let it go too long, but hopefully you will enjoy all the pictures from the "early days".

Day 1 - The Big Day:

Ainsley was born at 11:05 AM on July 9, 2007. I had a scheduled C-Section because the doctors guessed she would be over 9 lbs. The doctors were wrong. Although looking at my fat belly and swollen ankles, I would of guessed more like 12 or 13 lbs.

Ainsley weighed 7 lbs 11.5 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Day 4 - Coming Home:

Clif, Ainsley and I spent 4 days in the hospital. On July 12 we brought her to her new home to see her room and our puppy Gatsby. They pretty much ignored each other for the first 6 months.

Ok, don't worry I'm not going to write about every one of the last 365 days. I'm just going to post one, maybe two, pictures for each month from here on out. Look how tiny she is in above picture. I can't believe how small she was.

1 Month:

Look at that big fat belly...she's so cute.

2 Months:

This is probably one of my favorite Ainsley pictures. I have it sitting on my desk at work. Her face really hasn't changed that much.

3 Months:

Big ole fat cheeks...gotta love it.

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch (not a happy camper):
We took Ainsley to the pumpkin patch in early October. It was like 90 degrees that day, so no one really felt in the pumpkin spirit. Especially not Ainsley. She slept pretty much the whole time, except when she screamed because we tried to pose her with the pumpkins.

First Halloween:

From the beginning Clif and I started calling Ainsley our little bug, so her first Halloween costume really was a no brainer.

4 Months:

This was taken during a trip to Longwood. This is where Clif and I went to school and it was one of the last nice weekends before the cold weather came. Ainsley says "Go Lancers!" Hahaha.

First Thanksgiving:

We spent Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's house in North Carolina. Ainsley got to wear her turkey outfit that Auntie Caitlyn and uncle Cameron got for her.

5 Months:

My mom bought Ainsley this snow suit. Unfortunately she only got to wear it a few times, just wasn't that cold this past winter. On this night we bundled her up to go look at Christmas lights. She looks like a little miniature snow man.

First Christmas:
We spent Christmas at Nanny and Popa's this past year. Ainsley went to her first Christmas Eve party, wore cute little Christmas PJ's, and had just about zero interest in the presents. Oh well, we have plenty of time for that down the road. Ainsley also started sitting up on her own right around Christmas time.

Ok, so my plan was to have this long blog about her whole first year and then top it off with our little celebration this evening. However, it's 10:30 and I'm only half way I will finish tomorrow. It's like a cliffhanger at the end of the TV season!

More tomorrow...

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