To everyone who looked for a post all day'm sorry that I didn't finish our vacation story. I totally passed out at like 8:30 last night and I am just now getting to it at 10 PM because my child just went to sleep. I am a single parent this weekend.
Clif is in NOVA/Baltimore for Murphy's bachelor party.
Ok, so the continuation of our vacation. Tuesday we spent the whole day on the beach. It was tough, but fun. As frustrated as I get sometimes, I never want to be one of those people who is afraid to do something because it might be hard, I don't want Ainsley to learn that. The beach all day on Tuesday was a bit hard...and seriously, I think I already said this, but you would not believe how much sand a child can bring home with them. Holy cow, sand everywhere. We slept on sand. Everything I ate had sand in it. There was sand in the shower, sand in the sink, sand all over the floor. You'd think that Ainsley took a bath in the stuff.
Anyway, it was hard, but it was worth it. The biggest issue was that I just didn't pay attention to the time. So by the time I thought, oh she might be hungry, she was way past hungry and screaming. Or, oh maybe she needs a diaper change, she was already covered in sand and the diaper thing did not go well. But like I said, worth it, and I'm not letting a little sand stop me.
Ainsley got a little more used to the baby pool, I still had to get in with her at first, but she played in it for about an hour. Then she spent some time climbing all over the beach chairs. We went back to the house to clean up and eat and I could not get her to sleep, so I brought her back out to the beach where, of course, she fell asleep on Clif's lap.
That night we went out to a late dinner, which was a bit of a gamble on mine and Clif's part. Ainsley usually goes to bed around 8:30 and we didn't leave until 7:15. Luckily we did not have too long of a wait and we fed Ainsley an extra snack before we left.
While we waited for our table, she had fun dancing out on the Gazebo to the man playing the guitar and singing "Puff the Magic Dragon." That's not all he sang, but that's all I can remember now.
She did really well and didn't get fussy until we were almost done. At that point Clif, Caitlyn and I just took turns following her around the restaurant. That made her happy.
Wednesday was our last full day at the beach. We spent the morning at the beach, and I think that was the day we finally got ourselves organized enough to spend a good deal of time out there. That afternoon we went out on a Pontoon boat, and Ainsley LOVED it.

She was so thrilled to have the wind blowing her hair and whipping her face. She was so excited.
The first hour she slept, in her life jacket (she loved that thing), but once she woke up she just laughed and danced and talked. I even got her to wear her sunglasses for a good bit of time. These pictures are awesome.
That night we stayed at the house and cooked. Glenda and Mike made Tuna steaks and the hugest shrimp you've ever seen, Cam and Amanda steamed blue crabs, and we all sat down to a feast after Ainsley went to bed.
Unfortunately, we had to leave the next morning. Vacations are never long enough. We had to get back for Ainsley's 1 year well check up. She weighs 23 lbs, 12 ounces and is 30 1/2 inches tall. She had to get two shots and the doctor thinks she's wonderful. She loves that she is so talkative and mimics everyone, and says she's walking like a pro. Like we didn't already know she's perfect ;)
The vacation was awesome. Ainsley got to spend time with Auntie Caitlyn, Uncle Cameron, "Ant" Amanda (just joking you Amanda)...she doesn't get to see them very often. I think she had a great time in the water and on the boat, plus Caitlyn, Amanda and Tara taught her a new song which she absolutely can't get enough of...Baby Balooga. It is a very cute song and if Ainsley wants you to sing it, she tilts her head to the side, waves her hand and says "Ba?" "Ba?"
Tomorrow I'll tell you all about the big birthday bash. It was quite the day!