Sometimes I forget I had a life before my kids. I hear about other people going to the movies or to a fancy party and I think "Wow, that must be fun," like I never did it.
There were lots of movies. There were too many parties with too many drinks. In 1999 I rang in the new year at a friend's house in Charlottesville. We drank...a lot, and then danced for hours in the living room to Prince singing "Party Like It's 1999" over and over again.
But when I think about that, it's almost like I'm watching someone elses home movies. I still know and try to keep in touch with most of the people who were at that party. But that young girl is so far removed from what I am now.
Now, I am lucky to stay up to see the ball drop, let alone dance for hours afterwards.
Our holidays were very low key this year. We decided to only shop for the kids. Due to shrinking paychecks, rental homes that won't quit until we are completely bled dry, and an expanding family we decided not to buy gifts for anyone else. We stayed home, no travel. We let everyone come to us. We spent days in our PJs just playing with new toys. My house is still a disaster.
It was great. I loved it.
New Year's was no different. It was just the four of us. We thought about doing fondue, but decided it was too much work for our lazy attitudes and I really can't trust Freddie near an open flame. Maybe next year.
Instead, we built, cooked and ate our own pizzas.
My kids were extremely excited about trying their first ever banana splits.
We had an early toast with sparkling grape juice in plastic champagne flutes at 10 o'clock.
We planned a sleepover in the living room.
Ainsley made it to her first New Year's midnight. Freddie still has a long way to go.
Then we went to bed and all slept in until NINE O'CLOCK the next day.
So yes, life has the last 13 years. But honestly, I could not keep up with that girl now if I tried.
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Party Like It's 19...2012
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Party Like It's 19...2012
Jaime White
holidays|my partying days are pretty far behind me|New Years|
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Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago