Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm Calling A Do-Over

I know...I haven't posted in over a week.  And I missed my According to Ainsley post.  And I have many stories to tell and updates to relay...but...

This week was a tough one.  You know, some weeks blow by and are easy breezy.  Things go according to plan, my kids sleep, there are no natural disasters and I can focus a couple of hours a week on my blogging duties.  This was not one of those weeks.  I haven't posted.  I've barely even read any of the blogs I follow.

We went out of town last week, and things just went down hill from there.  Sunday, on the way home, Freddie spiked a fever.  Then Ainsley had one.  Then Freddie's went away...and came back.  Then Ainsley's went away...and came back.  I was only at work a day and a half last week.

Oh and then there was an earthquake...on the east coast?  Yeah, that's normal.

And now I sit watching Hurricane Irene crawl up the coast.  My mom and sister and brother and dad - All residing in NC - are safe and sound.  At this point they seem to be out of the woods.  Now I'm watching it batter the Norfolk/VA Beach/Eastern Shore area where a lot of my friends live.  And we wait for it to hit us and lose power and move on to New York and New England where my brothers and sisters in laws live.  It seems everyone important in our lives will be in the path of this beast.

So, it's been a stressful and somehow busy week.  Things always get crazy when the schedule goes out the window.

Basically, I just decided that this week was a loss.  A loss for the blog, a loss for my exercise plan, a loss for my job...everything.

I'm calling a do-over on Monday.  We'll talk then.
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