Ainsley: Mommy, I am almost 5.
Mommy: No Ainsley, you just turned 4.
Ainsley: No Mommy, I already turned 4 and now I am almost 5.
Mommy: Ainsley, you are not even 4 and a half yet. You have to be 4 and a half before you can be 5. You have 11 months until you are 5. When is your birthday?
Ainsley: July.
Mommy: Right, and do you know what month we are in now?
Ainsley: No.
Mommy: We just finished July and now we are in August. So, let's say the months and count how many until your 5th birthday...August, September, Oct...
Ainsley: Mommy! Stop! Why do you always say those things?!?!? You always tell me things!!! You do not have to tell me these things, I already know them!
I'm linking up with Rebecca over at Musings of a Manic Mama on Friday. Go check out her blog...
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago