Monday, June 14, 2010

Missing Camera

So our camera is missing...strange, but then again not so strange. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ainsley maybe did something with it. She loves to play with the camera and she also hides things, or just doesn't remember what happened to them. Our weekend was so busy that I didn't really have time to focus on the missing camera, so I plan on searching the house when I get home tonight.

Anyway, since we have no camera, we have no pictures. But I want to keep on top of my posts, so I'm going to post anyway.

Our weekend was jam packed. Friday we left straight from work and headed to a friend's house for a little get together. There were 5 couples there with all their kids. These were all Clif's fraternity brothers and we were joking about college and would we have ever thought that the kids would outnumber the adults at one of our parties? It is crazy to think about. On one hand college and the years following seem like yesterday...but then again I have trouble remembering my life before Ainsley and Freddie. Anyway, we had such a great time and the kids had a blast. Thanks to Chris and Liza for hosting. I hope we can do it again soon.

My mom and Charles also arrived on Friday. Ainsley was very excited to see them. She loves Grandma and she really loves Mr. Charles. He's so great with her. His son and daughter in law are getting ready for their first baby and he's going to be a great grandfather. I spent most of Saturday dragging my mom and kids around getting ready for the shower I was helping to throw on Sunday. Nothing like procrastinating!

That night, mom and Charles babysat while Clif and I went to dinner. We went to a place on the river called The Boathouse. It was a lot of fun. The atmosphere was awesome. The place has walls of windows and it's right on the river overlooking the city. However, the food was just so-so. The appetizer was good, and the dessert was to DIE FOR!!! But the main dish was just OK. I wasn't super impressed.

After dinner we met up with Jeff and Amy at a local Irish pub and had a few drinks as grown ups with no kiddies around. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad my mom could make it up. Thanks to them for making the trip.

Yesterday, I helped a few other girls throw a baby shower for my good friend Tara. She's due with her first baby in August. The shower was great, and it was fun to hang out with the girls for an afternoon.

Freddie is growing, growing, growing. If my scale is accurate, he is tipping it at 16 pounds. We won't go back to the doctor until August. He's so sweet and loves to be held. He's so cuddly that I really just can't help myself anyway.

Ainsley is ever changing and getting smarter by the minute. She has started enunciating her L's. So, for instance, she used to say Ainsy for Ainsley. Now she's saying AinLLey. It's so funny because her little tongue just trips right over it, but she's trying.

We are in the process of planning her third birthday party, which is so crazy to me because how in the world could my little baby be 3!!!!

Clif is still job searching, but he's had some decent prospects lately so we're keeping our fingers crossed. For now, I'm just trying to be thankful that he gets to spend so much time with the babies.

I have been really busy at work since returning. I've taken on some really large projects, so I'm trying to not miss a beat. I'm also starting a new exercise program tonight, because my little Buddha Freddie made me a big Buddha!

That's all for now. I will try to locate the camera tonight and post some pictures.
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