I guess it's time that I start including our newest addition in the blog. Here are some ultrasound pictures of Ainsley's little brother...
I'm also thinking I'll have to change the name of the blog so he doesn't feel left out as he gets older. That will take some thinking on my part. We are very excited to be welcoming a baby boy into the mix, but I must admit that it will take some getting used to on my part. I have the hardest time picturing myself with a boy...and Ainsley is so girlie, that we'll have to do some serious shopping for the little guy if he doesn't want to wear pink dresses and play with baby dolls.
Ainsley went to the ultrasound and doctor's appointment with us. She was very excited to "See baby on a teevee" but then just played with the toys in the office. My doctor is the same one that delivered Ainsley, and the two of them seem to really like one another. Ainsley will just randomly interject a comment like "Baby bruder in mommy belly" while the doctor is asking me the standard questions. She's a great doctor and always acknowledges Ainsley's comments and always gushes about how cute and well behaved she is.
We are also in the process of going through toys and Ainsley, at this point, is more than willing to give things up for "baby bruder." We'll see if that's still the case in a year or so.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago