Yesterday was Halloween, of course, and before putting on her costume to trick or treat, we went over to a neighbor's house and painted pumpkins. Ainsley had a blast doing this.
After getting our pumpkin, hands and faces painted up we threw Ainsley in the tub for a quick bath and then it was time to dress as a little fairy.
While getting dressed, Ainsley looked at Poppa and said "My wins, so my can fyyyy!" (My wings, so I can fly!)
She was really just too cute for words. We only went to about 10 houses, but that was enough. By the last few she wanted to be carried, so she was kind of over it. She didn't quite get the "Trick or Treat" greeting down, but she left ever door saying "Tank ew sooo much!"
After a good nights rest (and a needed extra hour of sleep) we woke up and got ready to go see Nemo on Ice in Charlottesville. We splurged for the good seats. We really can't afford them, but figured if we were going to go we should go all out. We knew if we got the cheap seats Ainsley wouldn't be able to see and she'd be over it fast. So we ended up right on the ice. And I mean it was us, a walk way and then the ice! I've never been to anything like that, and I certainly never get such great seats, so it was a lot of fun for all of us.
Ainsley was completely in awe of the skaters in their fish costumes. She sat and watched for awhile and then she decided that she should dance on the ice with them. Literally I had to hold her back. She really wanted to get up there with them.
She got a high five from one of the baby turtles...unfortunately it happened so fast that we couldn't snap a picture. But that was great for her, she was so excited.
I did catch her dancing in the aisle with daddy on video...
At the end of the show Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy came out to say goodbye to the crowd. Not kidding, I had to use all my weight to keep her from jumping on to the ice to see Minnie. Then, my heart totally broke when they left the ice and she turned around head down, pouting. I felt so bad for her to be so close to one of her best friends, Minnie Mouse, and not be able to hug her and say hi. Poor little girl. I literally almost started crying...I'm sure pregnancy hormones had something to do with it. But she was so pathetic.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago