Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

So I still have no camera...and we can't find the charger for our video camera...so still no visuals of Ainsley Bug. I can't believe we can't find our charger...we rarely use that camera so you'd think it would be in a logical place, but can't find it. Hopefully we will have our camera back this week and I can post pictures.

We had a very nice Memorial Day Weekend. I'm so glad we weren't travelling or doing anything busy. We tried the potty training thing on Saturday. It was a no go. By the end Ainsley was running away from me and tearing up every time I said the word potty. So that means she's not ready. We will wait until this fall I think.

Nanny and Poppa came to visit that afternoon for a late lunch and then we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening doing a few things around the house, watching Ainsley play in the pool and just relaxing.

Sunday Ainsley and I went to church again and next week, she'll be visiting the nursery while I attend the service. I just can't take the stress of it. I ended up leaving about 15 minutes before the end of the service. She just talks so much, all the time in fact, and she just doesn't have the whispering thing down yet. At the end of the first hymn she clapped and said "Yeah." Everyone thought that was really cute. However, when she started pounding on the metal chair with pencils and screaming "NO MINE" when I took them away, I knew it was time to leave. So hopefully she will enjoy the nursery next Sunday.

That afternoon we went to a cookout at my good friend Tara's house. Ainsley was the only child there and Tara and Ron have a REALLY nice house with REALLY nice things, so I was a little nervous, but Ainsley did great. She was such a good girl, other than sneaking M&M's all night, she really behaved well and everyone seemed to enjoy her.

We drove a friend home that night and she was so upset when she got out of the car. She kept asking "A Natole? A Natole doe?" (Translation: Where's Nicole? Where did Nicole go?) So I'd say "Nicole had to go home" and she would burst into tears. She was a bit overtired, and she really likes Nicole :) She hates when people leave, she just loves having visitors.

Yesterday was very low key. We slept in, we went out for breakfast, walked around the mall, and just kind of sat around the house. I think everyone was just tired and not really looking forward to getting back to the normal week. I for one, am not so happy to be sitting at work right now. I'd much rather have another day with Clif and Ainsley.

Four day week Jaime, only 4 days until the weekend...
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