Get firefighters to run the lights on a truck for us...

Take shots at a local bar...

Participate in a window display...

Imitate the Beatles famous album cover...

And many, many more.
Ainsley had some very cute V-Day outfits. Here are a couple.

And my mom painted her little finger nails...not sure you can tell that well, but here's a pic.

Participate in a window display...

Imitate the Beatles famous album cover...

And many, many more.

We had a great time and we got to have a night out with grown ups which is always a fun change of pace. My mom stayed home with Ainsley and friends of ours 7 month old daughter. So mom had her hands full. Both girls were still awake when we got home. Although, it was kind of an early night for us since we started at 4.
Ainsley had some very cute V-Day outfits. Here are a couple.

And my mom painted her little finger nails...not sure you can tell that well, but here's a pic.

So, some sad news. Tomorrow is Ainsley's last day of daycare until Clif finds a new job. I am kind of sad about it. She just loves that place and they love her so much. I'm not sure if I'll be able to pick her up tomorrow without getting teary-eyed :( Even though I would like to be at least a part time stay at home mom, I have to say that I am a reformed believer in daycare. They give her so much more than I could on my own. She has just blossomed there, and I am sad to take it away from her. I keep telling myself that it's only temporary, but it doesn't make it any easier on her. She doesn't understand.
Ok, enough whining from me...stuff happens and you just roll with the punches. She'll be back playing with her little friends in no time. For the time being, daddy and Ainsley are going to get REAL tight ;)
This weekend Ainsley and I are travelling to Chesapeake to visit some of my college sorority sisters. All three of them have toddlers around the same age as Ainsley. Carrie has a little girl who is just 8 days younger than Ainsley. Then Shanna and Heather have little boys who are just a day apart...3 months younger than Ainsley. It should be a lot of fun, and it will give daddy lots of time to rest up before he becomes Mr. Mom next week.
Ok, enough whining from me...stuff happens and you just roll with the punches. She'll be back playing with her little friends in no time. For the time being, daddy and Ainsley are going to get REAL tight ;)
This weekend Ainsley and I are travelling to Chesapeake to visit some of my college sorority sisters. All three of them have toddlers around the same age as Ainsley. Carrie has a little girl who is just 8 days younger than Ainsley. Then Shanna and Heather have little boys who are just a day apart...3 months younger than Ainsley. It should be a lot of fun, and it will give daddy lots of time to rest up before he becomes Mr. Mom next week.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago