Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Next Mia Hamm?

Clif grew up playing soccer, I played softball. So we always "argue" about what our kids will play. Ainsley's Uncle Cameron bought her a soccer ball for her birthday, and so far she hasn't shown a whole lot of interest...but she doesn't really stay interested in anything so that's not saying much.

Since it was so nice today we played outside...took a wagon ride, swung, and kicked the soccer ball. I mean catching, throwing and hitting a softball takes WAY more skill than even a very advanced 19 month old has. So for now, until she grows into a glove, we'll kick the little soccer ball around.

By the way, the black flash you see on the screen is just Gatsby doing is 100 mile an hour daily laps.

As you can see, we're prepping her for the 2024 summer games...we'll just have to wait and see which sport she appears in.

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