We took Ainsley trick-or-treating this year and she freaking LOVED it!! The plan was to just try and make it around our cul-de-sac, but Ainsley was so excited that we ended up going to all the houses on our cul-de-sac, a few on the main road and all the houses in the next cul-de-sac. She really had a great time. Those little monkey feet were just a movin' as fast as they could go. It was so cute. I tried to get her to say trick-or-treat, but no luck really. She did, however, say "Daa Do" (thank you) and "Buh Bye" over and over again. Oh and she also closed every one's front doors for them. I think I've mentioned her love of bags/purses/suitcases...whatever. So the little candy bag was just perfect, she loved carrying that thing around and putting all of her little candies in side.
After trick-or-treating, we went to a Halloween party at a friend's house. I think Ainsley was the last kid standing. She zonked out as soon as we pulled out of their neighborhood.
Then Saturday we had an engagement party that was Halloween themed. My mom stayed with Ainsley and Clif and I went as Fred and Wilma Flinstone. We were a big hit :)
I found out yesterday that Ainsley has been hitting babies, teachers, whoever at daycare. We are definitely having this problem at home too. I do think that once she moves into the toddler class it may get better. Those kids hit back! We are trying time outs at home, but she is a bit young to really get it.
Well, I stayed up way too late watching the election results last night. I really don't like politics or politicians, but I always seem to get sucked in on election night. CNN has the coolest map in the world. I was totally obsessed with it. Very interesting to see what will come. Whether you are happy with the results or not, you have to be somewhat amazed that this country...only about 50 years past separate water fountains, segregated schools and Rosa Parks...elected a black president. I didn't really think we were there yet - not saying I'm for or against, just nice to see that maybe we are rising above some darker spots in our past.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago