Yes, I have totally been slacking in the blog department. I'm very sorry. I have a million excuses and you've probably heard them all, so I will just skip the excuse portion! So to start, wanted to show you this really cute video of Ainsley eating a banana and calling to Gatsby...
She is just so funny. She is constantly making that new "shocked" face.
So we have been pretty boring lately. Let me catch you up quickly. I'll leave out the work week, because well, we work during the week and nothing else really happens. So the weekend after we went to the zoo, we participated in our community yard sale (we made 50 bucks, not great, but not bad). Then that night, we had a small fire-pit party at our house. We had about 10 people here and we drank beer and roasted marshmellows for s'mores. It was a lot of fun, and it gave me a good excuse to get my house really clean. Here are a couple of pictures from a very late night for the little bug.

This is my absolute favorite...

Then last weekend I left Ainsley overnight to attend my friend Tara's bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun, and good to get away for a night. I missed Ainsley and Clif like crazy, but even when I go out, I always know I have someone waiting for me at home that needs to be taken care of. So it's not very often that I really let loose.

Last night, Ainsley's daycare had a Halloween party. Ainsley got to wear her monkey costume and play with all the kiddies. You should see her walk around that daycare like she owns the place! She is such a little person...definitely not a baby anymore.

So, I have to give tell you a few stories and give you a few updates on our little bug. First, we had her 15 month appointment about a week ago and she weighs 25 pounds. That drops her down to the 75th percentile. I was worried that I hadn't been feeding her enough, the doctor assured me that she is growing just fine. However, she is 32 1/2 inches tall!!!!!! No wonder she won't fit in those 12 month clothes anymore. That puts her in the 92nd percentile for height.
Second, she has, pretty consistently, been SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! Yes I said it! It only took 15 months! Life is so all about perspective. I am signed up for a few blogs and list serves dedicated to mommies, and one of them I get daily feeds in my inbox. Well, not a day goes by that some mother is on there complaining about her 3 month old, or 6 month old, or 9 month old not sleeping through the night. I just think "Honey, talk to me when she's 15 months old!" So looks like we have almost tackled another obstacle. It's not every night, but I would say in the last 7 to 9 days she has slept through the night 5. That is a BIG, HUGE, improvement.
So now a funny story. So last Saturday Ainsley woke up, after sleeping through the night, around 6:45 AM. Well, I really wasn't ready to get up, so I brought her to bed with me and we both fell back asleep. Clif got up at some time, then I got up around 8:30 and just left her in the bed with pillows around her. Well, I'm sitting on the couch and low and behold Ainsley walks right down the hall. So much for pillows keeping her in place. It really was the funniest thing, I wish you all could of seen it. She just walked out and looked at me and said "Hi" like it was the most normal thing in the world. She's just such a little kid these days.
Alright, gotta run. I will post some fun Halloween pics this weekend.
She is just so funny. She is constantly making that new "shocked" face.
So we have been pretty boring lately. Let me catch you up quickly. I'll leave out the work week, because well, we work during the week and nothing else really happens. So the weekend after we went to the zoo, we participated in our community yard sale (we made 50 bucks, not great, but not bad). Then that night, we had a small fire-pit party at our house. We had about 10 people here and we drank beer and roasted marshmellows for s'mores. It was a lot of fun, and it gave me a good excuse to get my house really clean. Here are a couple of pictures from a very late night for the little bug.
This is my absolute favorite...
Then last weekend I left Ainsley overnight to attend my friend Tara's bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun, and good to get away for a night. I missed Ainsley and Clif like crazy, but even when I go out, I always know I have someone waiting for me at home that needs to be taken care of. So it's not very often that I really let loose.
Last night, Ainsley's daycare had a Halloween party. Ainsley got to wear her monkey costume and play with all the kiddies. You should see her walk around that daycare like she owns the place! She is such a little person...definitely not a baby anymore.
So, I have to give tell you a few stories and give you a few updates on our little bug. First, we had her 15 month appointment about a week ago and she weighs 25 pounds. That drops her down to the 75th percentile. I was worried that I hadn't been feeding her enough, the doctor assured me that she is growing just fine. However, she is 32 1/2 inches tall!!!!!! No wonder she won't fit in those 12 month clothes anymore. That puts her in the 92nd percentile for height.
Second, she has, pretty consistently, been SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! Yes I said it! It only took 15 months! Life is so all about perspective. I am signed up for a few blogs and list serves dedicated to mommies, and one of them I get daily feeds in my inbox. Well, not a day goes by that some mother is on there complaining about her 3 month old, or 6 month old, or 9 month old not sleeping through the night. I just think "Honey, talk to me when she's 15 months old!" So looks like we have almost tackled another obstacle. It's not every night, but I would say in the last 7 to 9 days she has slept through the night 5. That is a BIG, HUGE, improvement.
So now a funny story. So last Saturday Ainsley woke up, after sleeping through the night, around 6:45 AM. Well, I really wasn't ready to get up, so I brought her to bed with me and we both fell back asleep. Clif got up at some time, then I got up around 8:30 and just left her in the bed with pillows around her. Well, I'm sitting on the couch and low and behold Ainsley walks right down the hall. So much for pillows keeping her in place. It really was the funniest thing, I wish you all could of seen it. She just walked out and looked at me and said "Hi" like it was the most normal thing in the world. She's just such a little kid these days.
Alright, gotta run. I will post some fun Halloween pics this weekend.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago