So, I wanted to post because I was so bad last week, but nothing very exciting going on. I do have another video of Ainsley dancing for you. That's always fun. My mom called me this morning asking what was the deal with the head bob. I have no idea where she gets these things. She picks up on stuff so easily and quickly. It is pretty hysterical though.
We are heading into a very busy summer, starting this weekend really. We are nonstop through labor day weekend. I will cherish the 2 or 3 weekends we have at home. This weekend we are heading to Northern Virginia to see Dave Matthews. YEA!!!!! I'm so excited. Clif and I have been at least once a year, every year that we've been together...except last year. Last year he was only coming around in August and it was just too much with a 3 week old baby, so we skipped it. This year, Ainsley is staying with Nanny and Popa and Clif and I are going to the concert. Should be fun.
Then we are home for the long holiday weekend, we made no plans because that is usually my family reunion, which we did not attend last year, again because of the bug. It was the weekend before we had her and travelling through the WV mountains didn't sound like a good idea. However, my family reunion is not that weekend this year, instead it was pushed out the the following weekend. Good and bad. Good, we get to spend the long weekend at home together...bad because now we have to make it such a quick trip because we can't leave until Clif gets off work on Friday. Luckily we are taking a vacation the following week. Well we're taking a whole week off, but we're only going to the beach for a few days. Then we're back home to get ready for Ainsley's birthday party on the 19th.
So, busy times. At least I'll have lots of pictures and lots to write about.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Nothing Exciting
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Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago