Thursday, August 9, 2012
According to Ainsley...and Freddie - Snakes
We're in the car...
Ainsley: Freddie! You do not want to go in that tall grass.
She points out the window to a wooded area, preceded by a field with higher than average grass.
Freddie: My go der Aidey.
Ainsley: NO! Freddie, do not go there.
Freddie: Why?
Ainsley: That is tall grass. Know what lives in tall grass?
She pauses without a response.
Ainsley: Freddie? Are you listening to me? Freddie, look at me right now.
Freddie cranes his neck to peek around his car seat.
Ainsley: Know what lives in tall grass, Freddie?
Freddie: What?
Ainsley: SNAKES!!!
Freddie: Oh no! My no yike nakes.
Ainsley: Freddie, snakes are so bad. Don't ever go in tall grass.
Freddie: Okay Aidey, my no yike nakes. My no go tall gwass.
Weeks later, we are walking into daycare. Her lawn is very nice, with a landscaped area around the sidewalk.
Freddie: Mommy...uppy! uppy! uppy!
I hoist Freddie on my hip.
Me: What's wrong bud?
He points at the bushes near the walkway.
Freddie: Me scared. Me no yike tall gwass. NAKES!
Ainsley: That's right, Freddie! Don't go near tall grass. Mommy, we should not walk this way.
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According to Ainsley,
I need a new pic if I include Freddie,
this conversation was totally my fault when I said I didn't want to go to a certain playground because of tall grass and snakes
According to Ainsley...and Freddie - Snakes
Jaime White
According to Ainsley|I need a new pic if I include Freddie|snakes|this conversation was totally my fault when I said I didn't want to go to a certain playground because of tall grass and snakes|
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Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago