Seriously, I just looked at my blog and saw June 6th as my last post, then looked at the calendar and said "Oh, it's only been a week, why is Clif complaining." It's been two weeks. Today is the 20th...not the 13th. So somehow I lost a week somewhere. That's not a good thing when my weeks just fly by anyway. So to have a week just "poof" - disappear into thin air? Really bad.
So where did it go? How did a week just flash by? So fast that I thought it had never been...
June 10th. An in home date for our anniversary. Happy 6th anniversary to us. |
The movie Tron, blue drinks, and popcorn - popped in a pot, I might add. Too bad we only saw 20 minutes of the movie...This is the night Freddie came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth. Sweet. |
My gift to Clif...because we are broke. Just a reminder that money isn't everything. Each penny is from an important year in our lives. |
Day 1 of sick children. I couldn't take the fighting anymore and really needed to get the kitchen cleaned. Found it on pinterest. Sorry it's fuzzy, I was working on 2.5 hours of sleep. I thought it was clear at the time. |
Day 2 of sick children. Finally found a great base for making blanket/pillow tents in the living room. |
Bye-bye babies... |
 | to Chicago. |
June 16th. Tickets to Dave Matthews. It's been 18 months since we've seen him. Super excited. |
Largest crew we've had for a show in quite some time. Normally, it's just me and Clif tailgating by ourselves. |
The only man I'm ever allowed to leave Clif for...if his wife's okay with it, we are totally down. |
This was our Anniversary present to one another...just a week late. |
Happy Father's Day, Clif! |
Sometimes life just gets in the way of blogging.
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago