Me: Well...maybe...but I don't get to decide that. We've talked about it, mommies and daddies don't get to decide if they are having a boy or a girl in their belly and they don't get to decide if they have twins or not.
Ainsley: Why?
Me: Well God decides that for us. He decided that first I needed a baby girl and then I needed a baby boy. That's why he gave me you and Freddie.
Ainsley: But I really want two baby durl twins so I can have two baby durl sisters.
Me: Well, you'll have to talk to God about that.
Ainsley (hands folded and looking up at the sky): Dod...hi, it's Ainsley. Please but a baby in my mommy's belly. But please put two baby durl twins in my mommy's belly. I want to have two baby durl sisters because I already have a baby boy brover. Otay Dod?
Ainsley: Mommy!!!!
Me: Yes?
Ainsley: I just asked God to give me two baby durl sisters in your belly and he said yes!
Me: Well, that's exciting.
Ainsley: High five Mommy!
Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago