Wednesday, September 21, 2011

According to Ainsley - Star Light Star Bright

"Star Light, Star Bright
I wish, I wish, I wish a might
I wish, I wish, I wish a might
have a wish tonight..."

This is Ainsley's version of "Star Light, Star Bright."  Cracks me up every time.  She says it every night before she goes to sleep.  What's funnier, is what she wishes for...

Always folding her hands in prayer, she recites the poem.  Then she pauses and shuts her eyes so tight and whispers her wish.

"I wish that I could see a real fairy."
"I wish that I could see mommy in a dress and tell her she is beeootaful." (I wish that I could acurately explain the way this child says is awesome)
"I wish that I could be Freddie's mommy."
"I wish that Mommy had a baby sister in her belly."
"I wish that I could sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed."
"I wish that we could have our own house in Carolina."

All such simple little requests. 

"Star Light, Star Bright First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,  have this wish I wish tonight..."

I wish that I could make all Ainsley's wishes come true.
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