No not Freddie's. Ainsley got her first hair cut last weekend. Crazy considering she's 3.5 years old, but I'm sure most of you remember how bald she was. I see other three-year-olds with long luscious locks...not our Ainsley. Although she has beautiful hair, it has not come in as full as some of her peers. So I never found it necessary to cut. However, recently I was noticing some serious tangling at the very bottom of some of the longer pieces. I was almost ripping out tangled little balls. I figured it was time.
So, below are some tips on your first child's first hair cut.
#1 - If your child does not like getting her hair washed, most likely a huge green elephant will not help.
Ainsley does not like getting her hair washed. She doesn't like water in her face and she hates when I have to rinse her hair. Some nights it's almost impossible to get all the soap out. She won't lie back in the tub, I have to use cups and then try to gently but forcibly push her chin up so the water doesn't drip to her eyes. At the hair salon, there is a large green elephant mounted on the wall and the stylist uses the trunk to wet hair. Although she was a trooper, Ainsley did not enjoy this and looking back I probably should have just said no to the shampooing.
#2 - Probably best to be prepared when the stylist asks what you want.
Or, you could, like me just stumble over your words. Not sure what I want done, don't take too much, and please save all the curls, and not too short, and I'm not sure, bangs? well... Yeah, that's what I sounded like.
#3 - If you are PMSing...maybe wait for another day.
Or you could end up in tears...yeah, I'm a lunatic. It became this huge symbol of Ainsley growing up and her baby essence just disappearing. Which I guess it kind of is, but I expected it to be exciting and not so emotional.
#4 - Expect to feel like you over payed.
We were there for a total of 17 minutes from the time we walked in the door until the time we walked out...$19 later. And I'm pretty sure I could have cut it the way it was cut. But oh well, it's all about the experience and the certificate...which they were out of. Most likely, I won't go back.
And here is the result...
Monday, February 21, 2011
First Hair Cut
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First Hair Cut
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Schlafstrungen · 203 weeks ago
Du leidest an Schlafproblemen und möchtest endlich effektiv dagegen ankämpfen So funktioniert es!
jungpus · 115 weeks ago