Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One Box

The first time I ever drove up and parked in front of the white cinder block building with blue awnings, I thought to myself "No way am I working here."

Almost six years later, I drove up and parked in the same lot...further away this time, considering the company has gone from a little over 50 employees to a little over 100 employees in my time there.

I knew today would be hard.  I'm not going to pretend all of the sudden like this was my dream job.  I'm not going to live in a fantasy world where I never had any complaints or conflicts with this place.  Nevertheless, I still knew it would be hard to walk away.  If it were easy, I'd probably have done it long before today.

The day started like any other, except I barely had any emails to check, since all of my clients have been transferred to other account managers.  I had nothing to say in the morning meeting because my jobs are all being handled by other people.

And then as my desk became more and more sparse, the reality of it started setting in.

This place that I've been at every day for the last 5+ years, would no longer be part of my life.  These people that I spend more time with than I do members of my family, would no longer tell me their stories.

The first time I ever drove up and parked in front of the white cinder block building with blue awnings I was 27, planning my wedding and excited about a new job and new life in Richmond.

Today, almost six years later, I walk away, married, mom of 2, nervous about what lies ahead and carrying just one box.  Just one box filled with the memories and trinkets of my most recent career.
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